
2L sampler 2007 - the Nordic Sound

February 27, 2008

CD ini cocok sekali bagi para penikmat music klasik. Anda dapat mendengarkan musik gubahan Mozart sampai lagu klasik tradisional Norwegia.

Total ada 17 lagu dalam CD sampel ini, bentuk fisik CD nya pun unik berwarna hitam legam.

Bagi para pemburu barang gratisan internet, kunjungi, isi form yang tersedia kemudian tekan tombol submit.


Breast Cancer Booklets and Brochures

February 23, 2008

Hanya 1 jenis brosur untuk 1 alamat pengiriman internasional.Jenis brosur yang tersedia :

  • Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer: This booklet explains what your breast cancer risk means, risk factors you can and can't control, how family history can affect your risk, and what you can do if you have a personal history of breast cancer.
  • Understanding Metastatic Breast Cancer: This booklet discusses the types of tests and treatments for breast cancer, taking breaks from treatment, hospice care, how to talk to children about cancer, and pain management.
  • Understanding and Reducing the Risk of Recurrence: This booklet explains how to manage the fear of breast cancer recurrence, how to design a treatment plan to reduce the risk of recurrence, and how to improve overall health.
  • Understanding and Managing Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer: This extremely useful toolkit includes the following booklets and a pathology report checklist:
  • Your Guide to the Breast Cancer Pathology Report: An easy-to-read, step-by-step guide to understanding all the difficult medical terms in your pathology report. Is the cancer invasive? Are the lymph nodes involved? What did other tests on the tumor tissue show? Find out what the pathology report says, so you can make the best treatment decisions for YOU.
  • Overcoming Your Fears of Breast Cancer Treatment: Does worrying about losing your hair after chemo keep you up at night? Are you too anxious to tell your boss about your diagnosis? How will you discuss this with your family? Who can you talk to about all these fears and concerns? In this easy-to-read booklet you'll find tips from experts and other women affected by breast cancer to help you overcome your fears so you can go ahead and get the treatments YOU need.
  • Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment: Easy-to-read, illustrated explanations on all types of breast cancer treatment, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal and immune therapies. What type of surgery would be best for you? Should you get radiation? Chemotherapy? How can you minimize the side effects? What other treatments should you discuss with your doctors? Find out what to expect and how to get the best treatments for YOU.
Brosur-brosur tersebut bisa didapatkan di, pilih international address, kemudian pilih booklet/publikasi yang anda inginkan, isi form yang tersedia, tekan continue with your order button, kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya.


No Fear Sticker

February 20, 2008

Walaupun cuma selembar stiker, freebie hunter tak akan melewatkan kesempatan mendapatkan barang gratis dari internet ini. Hanya sayangnya, karena dikemas dalam amplop ukuran standar, stiker jadi terlipat.

This one is for a free sticker from No Fear as well as being entered to win a No Fear T-shirt! Untuk mendapatkannya isi formulir di, kemudian tekan submit.


The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

February 16, 2008

The selection of Talks included here was taken from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da's formal Teaching-Work. The topics include:

1. "Radical" understanding of the ego
2. The devotional relationship to the Spiritual Master
3. The lesson of life
4. The true nature of Real God
5. A criticism of scientific materialism
6. His Divine Self-Confession, and more

They will ship your free CD to you within a few days at no charge, and we will keep your personal information strictly private.

You will also receive a short email notice when new articles are available in our online magazine (about twice a month). You may un-subscribe from those notices at any time.

Untuk mendapatkannya, kunjungi, isi form yang tersedia kemudian tekan tombol submit.


Braille Bug Alphabet Card

February 10, 2008

Kartu cantik untuk belajar huruf Braille, dapat pula anda hadiahkan untuk teman, sahabat, saudara, ataupun orang lain yang memerlukan.

When you first look at something written in braille, all you see (or feel) is a jumble of dots! However, like any other code, braille is based on a logical system. Once you understand it, you'll be able to read and write braille easily. That's because braille is not a language, it's just another way to read and write English (or any other language, such as Japanese). Learn more in "Braille: Deciphering the Code" and check out the other links below.

“Would you like your own Braille Bug alphabet card? You can get one free copy by filling out the form… Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.”

Untuk mendapatkannya, kunjungi, isi form yang tersedia, tekan submit.


Quit While You're Ahead

February 9, 2008

Buku ini ditulis oleh pakar Smoking Cessation yaitu Jim Trimmer. Dalam bukunya ini dia memaparkan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan "perasaan" perokok yang berusaha menjadi bukan perokok.

This publication is FREE from Jamey Aebersold and available for download in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

This book is also available in Hard-Copy. We will mail you a FREE "Quit Easy" book ANYWHERE in the World! Get a FREE copy for yourself OR a friend and stop smoking TODAY!

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery within the USA. Foreign addresses may require up to 6 weeks for delivery, isi form yang tersedia kemudian tekan tombol submit.


Vacation Planner 2008 Fort Lauderdale

February 7, 2008

Publikasi mengenai tempat wisata Fort Lauderdale. Ada empat materi yang dapat anda pilih yaitu Visitors Map & Events Guide, Superior Small Lodging Directory, Multicultural Visitors Guide, Scuba DVD, isi form yang tersedia dan pilihlah publikasi yang anda minati, tekan submit


PCschematic Demo CD

February 2, 2008

CD Demo ini berisi program PCschematic ELautomation 40 dan demo version PCschematic PowerDistribution. Program-program tersebut diperlukan dalam proyek perancangan PLC.

PCschematic ELautomation 40 (free version) contains all functions from the full version of PCschematic ELautomation. You can save projects containing max:
xxxxxx• 10 pages
xxxxxx• 40 electrical symbols
xxxxxx• 200 connection points

PCschematic PowerDistribution Demo contains all functions from the full version of PCschematic PowerDistribution. You can open/create projects containing max:
xxxxxx• 40 symbols
xxxxxx• 2 attached documents pr. symbol


About This Blog

Mengumpulkan freebies sudah lama menjadi hobby saya. Sejak Tahun 2003 telah banyak freebies yang sudah saya kumpulkan, aneka barang mulai dari buku, sampel, cd, dvd, video tape, majalah, poster, stiker, dan barang-barang lainnya. Semuanya gratis, mungkin ada beberapa yang harus bayar "biaya tebus" sekian ribu ke kantor pos, itu pun jarang. Hobby mencari barang gratis dari internet ini mendorong saya untuk membuat blog berisi informasi mengenai barang gratis yang pernah saya dapatkan. Jadi, apa yang dipostkan dalam blog ini benar-benar barang gratis yang sudah saya terima.

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