
FREE Teen Sweat 101 book

August 8, 2008

All this info is coming from experts at the International Hyperhidrosis Society. These people are the gurus of sweat - it's their job (ok, so maybe that's not your idea of a dream career but after reading this site you'll be glad somebody's doing it). Whether you're curious about the clamminess you get when you hold your prom date's hand, want to stop staining your T's so that you can talk in class without feeling like a social outcast, or really need a boost because excessive sweating is turning you into a hermit, the International Hyperhidrosis Society and is gonna help.
Just e-mail them at, include your complete mailing address and type "Teen Sweat 101" in the subject of your message. Link di atas akan membuka outlook secara otomatis, anda bisa menggunakan selain outlook dengan meng-copy paste alamat tersebut.

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